
Andesite ternary diagram
Andesite ternary diagram

Medard E, Grove TL (2008) The effect of H 2O on the olivine liquidus of basaltic melts: experiments and thermodynamic models. Leake BE, Woolley AR, Arps CES, Birch WD, Gilbert MC, Grice JD, Hawthorne FC, Kato A, Kisch HJ, Krivovichev VG, Linthout K, Laird J, Mandarino JA, Maresch WV, Nickel EH, Rock NMS, Schumacher JC, Smith DC, Stephenson NCN, Ungaretti L, Whittaker EJW, Guo YZ (1997) Nomenclature of amphiboles: report of the subcommittee on amphiboles of the international mineralogical association, commission on new minerals and mineral names. Larocque J, Canil D (2010) The role of amphibole in the evolution of arc magmas and crust: the case from the Jurassic Bonanza arc section, Vancouver Island, Canada. Kushiro I (1969) System Forsterite-Diopside-Silica with and without water at high-pressures. Kratzmann DJ, Carey S, Scasso RA, Naranjo JA (2010) Role of cryptic amphibole crystallization in magma differentiation at Hudson volcano, Southern Volcanic Zone, Chile. Johnson MC, Rutherford MJ (1989) Experimental calibration of the aluminum-in-hornblende geobarometer with application to long valley caldera (California) volcanic rocks. Furthermore, using ternary classification diagram of biotite (Foster 1960 ), all analyses are plotted either in or at the border of the phlogopite field (Fig. Holloway JR, Burnham CW (1972) Melting relations of basalt with equilibrium water pressure less than total pressure. Based on Al versus Fe Fe/(Fe + Mg) diagram (Foster 1960), all biotites from the hornblende andesite and basaltic andesite are plotted in the phlogopite field (Fig. Hidalgo PJ, Rooney TO (2010) Crystal fractionation processes at Baru volcano from the deep to shallow crust. With increasing H 2O pressure ( \( = 5\) kbar. A narrow stability field is identified where olivine and amphibole are coexisting phases in the primitive andesite composition above 500 MPa and at least until 800 MPa, between 975–1,025 ☌. H 2O-saturated experiments on both compositions reveal the strong dependence of amphibole stability on the partial pressure of H 2O. Liquidus mineral phase stability and appearance temperatures vary sensitively in response to variation in pressure and H 2O content, and this information is used to calibrate magmatic barometers-hygrometers for primitive arc magmas. Hydrous phase relations for these compositions allow a comparison of the dramatic effects of dissolved H 2O on the crystallization sequence. in Contrib Miner Petrol 145:515–533 2003) has been supplemented with additional experimental data at 500 MPa. Basalt to basaltic-andesite tephra layers (Tr 1, Tr 6 and Tr 7) show similar composition with rocks from Apan-Tezontepec monogenetic volcanic field aged between 1.50 and 0.47 Ma. The phase diagram of a primitive basaltic andesite (52 wt% SiO 2, 10.5 wt% MgO) also from the Mt. Shasta, CA region over the pressure range 200–800 MPa, temperature range of 915–1,070 ☌, and oxygen fugacities varying from the nickel–nickel oxide (NNO) buffer to three log units above NNO (NNO+3). The water-saturated phase relations have been determined for a primitive magnesian andesite (57 wt% SiO 2, 9 wt% MgO) from the Mt.

Andesite ternary diagram